Emergency Communications
SCCARA Supports Emergency Communications
SCCARA has been active in supporting emergency and community communications since our founding.
SCCARA provides use of its 2 meter repeater to the City of San Jose’s RACES team for use during their weekly repeater nets and for other emergency communications needs.
Many of our members serve on the ARES / RACES emergency teams for their local communities including San Jose, Santa Clara, and Sunnyvale. Several member are also active with the Silicon Valley Emergency Communications System.
SCCARA maintains club-owned equipment in ready state at the Silicon Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross which provides additional back up communications capabilities and skilled operators when needed.
60' Emergency Communication Tower on Wheels
SCCARA owns and maintains a purpose-built antenna trailer with a three section, guyed, crank-up 60 foot tower with rotator, two metal boxes, two 6″ PVC containers.
The antenna trailer has been deployed in the ARRL Field Day exercises and is ready for quick deployment in the event of an emergency. We typically keep two HF antennas and a VHF/UHF antenna and appropriate cables and rigging on board.