About Us
The Santa Clara County Amateur Radio Association (SCCARA) is a friendly and active amateur radio club.
SCCARA was the first radio club in Santa Clara County, organized in 1921. The club became affiliated with the American Radio Relay League in 1923. We have a rich history of public service and having fun.
The club owns and operates two repeaters and a packet radio bbs. SCCARA is proud to support the City of San Jose’s ARES/RACES emergency communication team by providing our two meter repeater for their weekly VHF net. We maintain a club station at the Silicon Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross which provides additional back up capabilities for disaster response as well as a location for club members to train and operate.
Our monthly general meeting is held on the second Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m. Visitors are always welcome and we encourage anyone interested in amateur radio to come and get to know us.
SCCARA is always active in the ARRL’s annual Field Day exercises and operates the club station during other select events. We typically hold a summer BBQ picnic, a holiday party.
SCCARA – P.O.Box 106 – San Jose CA 95103-0106